It is our mission to raise much needed funds in support of our wounded military, by conducting benefit events that also bring the community of North Texas and the Nation together for this specific common goal.

About Us


Honor Our Wounded Military Inc. ( HOWM) is a Non-Profit Texas Corporation holding 501(c) 3 status with the Internal Revenue Service. It is our mission to raise much needed dollars in support of our wounded military by conducting benefit events that also bring the community of Northeast Texas together for that specific common goal.

Our corporation is made up of patriotic and community minded folks that have NON-POLITICALLY joined in and have donated many talents and treasures to make this event as successful as possible. We welcome all to join us as participants, volunteers, donors, sponsors and Country and Western music lovers – we turn away none.

  • We are a Texas entity!!
  • We support wounded warriors on a national level AND specifically in the state of Texas
  • Why are we so passionate about supporting Texans?
    • Texas leads the nation in the number of deployed service men and women
    • Texas leads the nation in the number of resident Wounded Warrior veterans
  • HOWM includes members of Dallas Fortworth area

Dear Honoring Our Wounded Military Valued Donor:

We thank you for supporting Honoring Our Wounded Military, Inc. 2023 was a record year for our events. Honoring Our Wounded Military was able to donate $240,000  to our wounded veteran charities, putting us at over $2.1 Million in donations to our charities since its inception eleven years ago.  A great accomplishment for a 100% volunteer charity, we could not do it without YOUR unwavering support.

Our 2024 event weekend will again be on August 16th and 17th.  We will hosting our Gala Dinner and Auction at the Westin, Southlake. Limelight Band will be providing great entertainment. Our Military Heroes Run will be at Solana in Westlake.  Our golf tournament will be held at Trophy Club Country Club

We are so very thankful for all the support from the community, our sponsors, and our participants. We cherish your support.  We are excited once again to help those that have sacrificed so much to maintain the freedoms we so dearly treasure and have grown to expect.

Best Regards,

Robert Ulses


Robert Finn

Vice President



2011$ 50,000  &nbsp

2012$ 130,000  &nbsp

2013$ 135,000  &nbsp

2014$ 160,000  &nbsp

2015$ 185,000  &nbsp

2016$ 215,000  &nbsp

2017$ 180,000  &nbsp

2018$ 240,000  &nbsp

2019$ 195,000  &nbsp

2020 - COVID 19$ 60,000  &nbsp

2021$ 270,000  &nbsp

2022$ 282,000  &nbsp

2023$ 240,000  &nbsp